Brands / Electric Scooters
Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter: A Complete Review
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Razor C35 SLA Electric scooter are a great alternative to traditional vehicles for daily commuting or recreational use. They are eco-friendly, affordable, and easy to use. Razor, a well-known brand in the electric scooter market, has recently introduced its new product, the Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter. This article will provide a complete review of the Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter, including its design, features, performance, and benefits.

Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter
Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter: A Complete Review 7

Introduction of Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter

The Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter is a modern and stylish scooter that comes with a powerful motor, large wheels, and a comfortable seat. It is designed for adults who want a comfortable and efficient means of transportation for short to medium distances. The scooter has a range of up to 18 miles and can reach a top speed of 15 mph. It is also equipped with features like LED headlights, a rear brake, and a twist-grip throttle.


Design and Build Quality of Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter

The Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter has a sleek and modern design that is perfect for urban commuting. It has a sturdy frame made of high-quality materials that ensure durability and longevity. The scooter also comes with a comfortable seat that can be adjusted to fit different riders’ heights. The handlebars are ergonomically designed for comfortable grip and easy control. The scooter’s overall design is compact and lightweight, making it easy to carry and store when not in use.

Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter
Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter: A Complete Review 8

Features and Specifications of Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter

The Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter is packed with features that make it stand out from other electric scooters in the market. It comes with a 350-watt motor that can provide a maximum speed of 15 mph. The scooter also has a range of up to 18 miles on a single charge. It is equipped with a 24V SLA battery that takes about 12 hours to fully charge. The scooter also has large 10-inch pneumatic tires that provide a smooth and comfortable ride even on uneven surfaces.

Other notable features of the Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter include LED headlights, a rear brake, and a twist-grip throttle. The scooter also has a folding mechanism that allows for easy storage and transportation. It can support a maximum weight of 220 lbs and has a recommended minimum rider age of 13 years.

Performance and Battery Life of Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter

The Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter delivers impressive performance, thanks to its powerful motor and large wheels. It can easily climb hills and tackle inclines, making it ideal for commuting in hilly areas. The scooter’s top speed of 15 mph is perfect for short to medium distances. The battery life of the scooter is also decent, with a range of up to 18 miles on a single charge. However, the battery takes about 12 hours to fully charge, which is longer than some other electric scooters in the market.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter

The Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter has several benefits, including its powerful motor, large wheels, comfortable seat, and foldable design. It is also affordable compared to some other electric scooters in the market. However, the scooter’s long charging time and limited range may be a drawback for some users. The scooter is also not suitable for long-distance commuting, as it is designed for short to medium distances.


Who Is It for?

The Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter is designed for adults who want a comfortable and efficient means of transportation for short to medium distances. It is suitable for commuters who want to avoid traffic and reach their destinations quickly. It is also ideal for those who want a convenient and eco-friendly way to travel within their local area. The scooter is not suitable for long-distance commuting or off-road adventures, as it is designed for urban use. It is recommended for riders aged 13 and above and can support a maximum weight of 220 lbs.

How Does It Compare to Other Electric Scooters?

Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter
Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter: A Complete Review 9

When compared to other electric scooters, the Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter has a number of notable features that make it stand out from the crowd. One of the biggest advantages of this scooter is its affordable price point. While there are certainly more expensive electric scooters on the market, the Razor C35 SLA offers a great balance of performance and affordability.

Another advantage of the Razor C35 SLA is its range. With a maximum range of up to 12 miles on a single charge, this scooter can handle most urban commutes without needing to be recharged. It also has a top speed of up to 14 mph, which is more than sufficient for most riders.

The Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter is also known for its comfort and convenience. The scooter features a comfortable padded seat, which is a rarity in the world of electric scooters. This makes it a great choice for riders who want a more relaxed and comfortable ride. Additionally, the scooter has a folding design that makes it easy to store and transport when not in use.

One area where the Razor C35 SLA falls behind some of its competitors is in its battery technology. The scooter uses a Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) battery, which is less efficient than the Lithium-ion batteries used in some higher-end electric scooters. This means that the Razor C35 SLA may require more frequent charging than some of its competitors.

Overall, the Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter is a great choice for riders who want a comfortable, convenient, and affordable means of urban transportation. While it may not have all the bells and whistles of some of its more expensive competitors, it provides a solid performance and a great value for its price.

Tips for Safe Riding

The Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter is a fun and convenient way to get around town, but it is important to prioritize safety when riding. Here are some tips for safe riding on the Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter:

  1. Wear a helmet: Always wear a properly-fitted helmet when riding the scooter. This will help protect your head in the event of a fall or collision.
  2. Follow traffic laws: Just like any other vehicle on the road, electric scooters are subject to traffic laws. Obey stop signs and traffic lights, and use hand signals to indicate turns.
  3. Use the throttle and brakes responsibly: The Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter has a responsive throttle and brakes, so be sure to use them responsibly. Accelerate and brake gradually to avoid sudden jolts or jerks.
  4. Be aware of your surroundings: Pay attention to the road and your surroundings when riding. Stay alert for obstacles, pedestrians, and other vehicles.
  5. Avoid distractions: Don’t use your phone or any other distractions while riding the scooter. Keep your focus on the road and your surroundings.
  6. Stay visible: Wear bright or reflective clothing to make yourself more visible to other vehicles, especially in low-light conditions.
  7. Practice in a safe environment: Before taking the scooter out on the road, practice in a safe, open area to get comfortable with the throttle and brakes.

Maintenance and Repair of Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter

Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter
Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter: A Complete Review 10

Proper maintenance and repair are essential for keeping your Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter in good condition and prolonging its lifespan. Here are some tips for maintaining and repairing your scooter:


  1. Keep the scooter clean: Regularly clean your scooter with a damp cloth and mild soap to keep it free of dirt and debris.
  2. Check the battery: Check the battery regularly and ensure it is fully charged before using the scooter. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for charging and storing the battery.
  3. Check the tires: Check the air pressure and condition of the tires regularly. Replace the tires if they are worn or damaged.
  4. Lubricate moving parts: Regularly lubricate the moving parts of the scooter to ensure smooth operation.
  5. Check the brakes: Test the brakes regularly to ensure they are functioning properly. Adjust or replace the brakes if necessary.


  1. Troubleshoot: If you encounter any issues with the scooter, troubleshoot the problem first. Consult the user manual or the manufacturer’s website for troubleshooting tips.
  2. Replace damaged parts: If any parts of the scooter are damaged or broken, replace them as soon as possible. This may include tires, brakes, batteries, or other components.
  3. Seek professional help: If you are not comfortable repairing the scooter yourself, seek professional help. Contact the manufacturer or a qualified repair technician for assistance.

Razor c35 SLA Electric Scooter Back Tire

Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter
Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter: A Complete Review 11

Here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to the back tire of your Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter:

  1. Check the tire pressure: The back tire of your scooter should be inflated to the recommended pressure, which is usually indicated on the sidewall of the tire. Be sure to check the tire pressure regularly and inflate it as needed.
  2. Inspect the tire for damage: Regularly inspect the back tire for any signs of damage such as punctures, cracks, or bulges. If you notice any damage, replace the tire immediately.
  3. Replace worn tires: Over time, the back tire may become worn and lose its grip on the road. If the tire tread is worn down to the wear indicators, it’s time to replace the tire.
  4. Avoid overloading the scooter: Overloading the scooter can put excess strain on the back tire and cause it to wear out more quickly. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s weight recommendations and avoid carrying heavy loads on the scooter.
  5. Use the scooter on appropriate surfaces: Riding the scooter on rough or uneven surfaces can cause excessive wear and tear on the back tire. Stick to smooth, even surfaces whenever possible.


Razor Electric Scooter Age Range

The age range for the Razor electric scooter varies depending on the model. However, most Razor electric scooters are designed for children and teenagers, with a minimum recommended age of 8 years old.

Some Razor electric scooter models, such as the E300, E325, and E300S, have a recommended age range of 13 years and older. These models are larger and more powerful, with a higher weight limit, making them suitable for older and more experienced riders.

It’s important to note that the age range is just a recommendation, and parents should use their discretion when deciding whether a child is ready to ride an electric scooter. Factors such as the child’s size, strength, and coordination should also be taken into consideration.

Additionally, riders of any age should always wear appropriate safety gear, such as a helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads, and follow all safety guidelines and traffic laws when riding an electric scooter.

Overall, Razor electric scooters are a fun and exciting way for children and teenagers to get around, but safety should always be the top priority.

How fast does the Razor C35 SLA go?

The Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter has a top speed of approximately 12 miles per hour (19 kilometers per hour). This speed is suitable for children and teenagers, providing a fun and enjoyable ride while still being safe.

It’s important to note that the top speed may vary depending on factors such as the rider’s weight, the condition of the scooter’s battery, and the terrain on which the scooter is being ridden. Riders should always wear appropriate safety gear and follow all traffic laws and safety guidelines when riding the Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter.

Overall, the Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter provides a great balance of speed and safety, making it a popular choice for kids and teenagers.

How do you charge a Razor C35 electric scooter?

Charging a Razor C35 Electric Scooter is a straightforward process. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Make sure the scooter is turned off and the power switch is in the “off” position.
  2. Locate the charging port on the scooter. It is typically located near the back wheel.
  3. Connect the charger to the charging port on the scooter. The charger should fit snugly into the port.
  4. Plug the charger into a standard electrical outlet. The charging process will begin automatically.
  5. Allow the scooter to charge until the battery is full. The charging time will vary depending on the level of charge remaining in the battery and the condition of the battery. A full charge typically takes around 12 hours.
  6. Once the battery is fully charged, unplug the charger from the electrical outlet and disconnect it from the charging port on the scooter.

How long does the Razor electric scooter last?

The lifespan of a Razor electric scooter varies depending on several factors, including the model, how often it is used, the quality of maintenance, and the care taken by the rider. However, with proper care and maintenance, a Razor electric scooter can last for several years.

One of the critical components of an electric scooter is its battery, which provides power to the motor. The lifespan of the battery depends on how often the scooter is used and how well it is cared for. The Razor C35 Electric Scooter uses a sealed lead-acid battery, which typically lasts for 200-300 charge cycles, depending on usage and maintenance.

With proper care, including regular charging, not overcharging or undercharging the battery, and avoiding extreme temperatures, the battery can last for several years. In case the battery needs to be replaced, Razor provides replacement batteries for its electric scooters.

Aside from the battery, other components of the Razor electric scooter, such as the motor, brakes, and tires, can also affect its lifespan. Proper maintenance, including regular cleaning, lubrication, and inspections, can help ensure that the scooter operates safely and efficiently for years to come.

In summary, the lifespan of a Razor electric scooter depends on several factors, but with proper care and maintenance, it can last for several years.

What is the maximum speed of the Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter?

The Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter can reach a maximum speed of 15 miles per hour.

How long does it take to charge the battery on the Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter?

It takes approximately 12 hours to fully charge the battery on the Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter.

What is the weight capacity of the Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter?

The Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter has a weight capacity of up to 220 pounds.

Is the Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter suitable for off-road use?

No, the Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter is not designed for off-road use. It is intended for use on smooth, flat surfaces.

Can the Yes, the Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter can be folded for easy storage and transportation.

Yes, the Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter can be folded for easy storage and transportation.


In conclusion, the Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter is a great choice for those who are looking for an affordable and reliable electric scooter that is perfect for commuting and running errands around town. It is easy to use, has a long battery life, and can reach a maximum speed of 15 miles per hour.

However, it is important to follow safety guidelines and maintain the scooter properly to ensure its longevity and safe operation. With proper care, the Razor C35 SLA Electric Scooter can provide a convenient and efficient mode of transportation for years to come.

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