Accessories / Electric Scooters
Best 28 Electric Scooter Accessories – Essential Electric Scooter Accessories Every Rider Needs
Electric Scooter Accessories

electric scooter accessories

The twenty-eight electric scooters’ best accessories that are listed here will greatly enhance your electric scooter’s performance and overall appearance. Electric scooters are a fantastic option to move around. They’re green, compact, and enjoyable. They can also take you out on adventures off-road. Once you have your electric scooter, You might be eager to get riding immediately.

Imagine this. You’ve just purchased an e-scooter that’s brand new. It’s stylish and practical, as well as green. It will take you from A to B, just as designed. However, an idea comes to you: what do you think your electric scooter could be more than just a vehicle to get you around? What if it was comfortable? What if it was able to hold more baggage? Imagine if you could travel on through the night?
The good thing is that you can customize the electric scooter to your preferences by incorporating accessories for electric scooters.

An electric vehicle’s prototype had only bones, consisting of two wheels, a frame, a handlebar, and an electric motor. However, as riding an electric scooter started to gain traction, more practical components were added to the commonplace of the latest scooters.
To keep costs low and electric scooters at a reasonable price, Many companies make their products as simple as they can with options for upgrading. This has resulted in a growing demand for after-market electric scooter parts. Nowadays, you can find over a hundred specialist accessories for electric scooters. Look over the best electric scooter accessories, perhaps you’ll be able to envision ways to make your electric scooter more enjoyable or useful.




HEROBIKER Motorcycle Full Body Armor Jacket

GTSBROS Kids/Youth Protective Gear, Knee Pads and Elbow Pads 

KCMYTONER Vibration Sensing Bike Alarm

YOHAWJAN Bicycle Speedometer Waterproof

Bike Tail Light with Turn Signals, Smart Wireless Remote Control

Tinkel Scooter Front Hook Carrying Hook 

PYRAMEX RJ3210XL RJ32 Series Jackets

Bike Mirror 2 Pack Handlebar Rearview Mirrors

MIZATTO 2 Pack Bike Cup Holder

Epessa Hand Carrying Handle Strap for Kick Scooter 

1. HelmetElectric Scooter Accessories

electric scooter accessories

Anyone who has used electric scooters for longer than a week can tell that helmets are mandatory! In some ways, it’s not an accessory. It’s more of a mandatory item required by common sense and the law and you should necessarily get a helmet. If you can purchase one additional item for an electric vehicle, it must comprise the headgear.

Its importance cannot be overstated. It could be an important factor in determining whether you live and die. How do you pick the best one? Some helmets are not made of the highest quality. Don’t skimp on this piece of equipment. If your E-scooters speed is lower than 20 mph, and you’re on smooth, safe roads, most times, wearing a regular bicycle helmet will probably be fine. They’re small, light, and, in general, quite comfortable.
If you’re looking for more security, You’ll need something stronger. Downhill-specific helmets are the ideal choice for this. They’ve passed more tests for impact, but they’re similar to the typical bicycle helmet.
If you’re traveling more than 20 mph or on bumpy terrain, you should consider an electric bike or even a helmet motorcycle. They are heavier than the other two types of helmets. They provide the greatest protection, particularly in full-face helmets. They come with chin bars, which means your entire face is shielded from crashes.
If you’re wearing a helmet that’s open to the public, there’s a risk of serious injury to your nose, chin, and teeth. Full-face helmets shield your face and head and save your life and are also useful and you must have them. If you’re riding one of these super fast electronic scooters or in a dangerous area, The more protection you can get, the more effective and proves to be a lifesaver.

2. Tire Slime & Tire sealant – Electric Scooter Accessories

electric scooter accessories

Tire slime (also called tire sealant) can repair flat tires. If you own pneumatic tires on your electric scooter, tire slime is an essential item. Before first riding your scooter, you should purchase some slime and use it on your inner tube tires. In most cases, it’s easy to put it in. It’s pumped through the same valve you use to fill the tires. It is usually referred to as the “brand name” Slime suggests leaving the sealant in the tire for not more than two years.
What is the function of tire sealant? When something sharp pokes your tire, the pressure pushes the Slime out into the tire’s interior into the puncture. After the Slime is filled with the hole and can reach the air, it “cures” and closes the hole.
Be sure to read the directions attentively. There will likely be specific instructions on how to re-inflate tires with Slime. When selecting a brand, consider aspects such as toxicity. If you can, search for brands that make use of non-toxic ingredients.

Certain slimes are designed to serve a specific purpose, such as off-road cycling or in the event of an emergency. Many items We suggest Slime 10004 because it is affordable and efficient, as it quickly seals flats and can last for two years. This is certainly safe (non-toxic and non-flammable, etc.) and easy to take on the move in your backpack.

3. Safety GearElectric Scooter Accessories

electric scooter accessories


The body will absorb the force of an accident if you’re involved in an incident while on an electric scooter. Besides a helmet, you’ll need other security gear to safeguard you in the event of an accident or to comfort your riding experience. Accessories like gloves, elbow guards, knee guards, safety glasses, and many awesome accessories are vital.
A pair of appropriate gloves can protect your hands from cold and stop you from touching your hands. Being equipped with the right safety equipment is vital regardless of speed. A 5 mph crash is enough to peel your skin.
There are a variety of gloves, guards, and protective sunglasses. The general rule is to select the ones which provide the most protection. Motorcycle gloves are the most effective solution in this situation. You can, however, choose lighter-duty gloves based on the type of ride you prefer and consider getting the best one.

4. Eye Protection:

electric scooter accessories

If you wear the option of wearing a helmet, you need not be thinking about eye protection from the bright sun. If your helmet isn’t full-face, it will not shield your eyes. Bright sunlight can alter your eyesight and, consequently, your safety on the road. Bugs, wind, and rain can cause a problem seeing. The use of sunglass for cycling will aid. I’m not able to even remember how many times I’ve experienced eye bugs that caused me to bring myself to a stop and take them out before I was able to go on.
The lens should be the first factor to consider when selecting glasses. The tint of the lens determines the conditions they are best suited to. For example, a yellow tint is ideal for days with cloudy skies. It blocks out blue light and boosts the contrast. Grey, green, black, or brown lenses are more effective for bright sunlight lenses.
The more expensive glasses are likely suitable for all kinds of weather. Also, you can find glasses that allow you to swap out the lenses. If rain is your primary worry, you should look for a hydrophobic coating. The fit of the frame is vital. If the frame is not tight enough, the frame may slide off. If they’re too tight, you’ll feel uncomfortable quickly.
Do you wear regular glasses? If not, and you’re not planning on changing to contact lenses while you go out, you should consider purchasing sunglasses that have prescription lenses and buy one. You may be hesitant to invest money in this particular accessory. Consider how crucial your eyesight is. If you’re driving fast and suddenly experience an insect or bright ray of sunlight directly in your eye, the situation could turn fast and badly.

5. Phone Mount – Phone Holder:

electric scooter accessories

In the first place, it is not recommended to use your smartphone when riding an e-scooter. The risks of this are far more serious than texting and driving. We have already mentioned that nobody can shield your body from taking the full force of a collision. In this instance, safe riding is the most effective way to prevent it.
There are times when we’d want to glance over our phones. It could be to check the map or check for a phone call that is coming in. I’m sure you’ll agree that removing your phone from your pockets each time you have to look it up can be difficult. This is why you require the phone mount. A phone holder is typically attached to the scooter handlebar to make it easy to access.
Besides checking your maps or calling inbound calls, many scooters have the option of a paired app. These applications will help you monitor the speed of your scooter, its battery level, and the distances covered. They can even relay messages of the error to your scooter. A phone case will give you access to these details easily.
Typically the phone mount is mounted onto the bar. Phone mounts include a variety of options. So, make sure to choose one that is suitable for your needs and is compatible with your electric scooter.

6. Lock:

electric scooter locks

Electric scooters are a popular target for thieves since they’re light and compact. Since electric scooters have become an ideal mode of transportation for short commutes, they are found everywhere we go, which includes schools, work, movie theatres, and even the supermarket.
Most of these establishments will not permit electric scooters to enter their premises; however, they might provide the space needed for storage. However, the majority of them do not provide any safety for vehicles. This means that you’ll require a safe lock to protect your scooter safe from theft.
There is a wide range of locks kinds to pick from:

Cable lock:

The cable lock is by far the most popular and best better option lock design. They’re light and easy to transport around. Since they’re flexible, they’re easy to lock your scooter to different angles or to prepare for any issue.
Set a password to lock it in place or utilize a key; however, they’re pretty easy to cut. Therefore, they’re not recommended in high-risk locations where thieves might go to great lengths to secure what they need and don’t leave your scooter.

Chain lock:

They’re usually an upgrade from cable locks. They’re made of steel links, which makes them harder to cut. The more robust they’re, the better protection they provide.
Then, there’s an unlocked padlock at the bottom of the chain. Although chain locks provide slightly greater security than cable locks, they’re difficult to carry.


The lock described above is essentially a large padlock. It is wrapped around the wheel and then secures your scooter with a sturdy, solid object, such as a pole. The U-lock is the most secure lock available and is more affordable than chain locks. The drawback is that you cannot often find a location to put the U-lock in use due to its mechanism.
What do you think about brands? Instead of using a brand’s name as a reference, take a look at its score in the Sold Secure Rating System. The lock may be rated as Bronze (the most vulnerable) or Silver. Gold.
For more information about the security of the various locks and ways to secure your scooter, read our guide to the most secure locks for e-scooters.

7. Additional Battery:

electric scooter accessories

A second battery is advised when you are out of power, have a slower scooter or need to run peripheral devices like extra LED dashboards, lights, and music players and even charge your mobile.
Batteries aren’t always the best choice, but they can be somewhat heavy and tiring to carry around your bag all day.

You can utilize your saddlebag for storage, allowing for easy connectivity if you require power to other devices that use the battery.
Make sure you store the battery dry, cool location in a shaded area to ensure long battery life.

8. Reflective clothing:

electric scooter accessories

Although it’s not the most stylish accessory, an e-safety vest with reflective lumen stripes is among the most effective ways to protect yourself on your electric scooter. riding at night. Put it on over whatever clothing you’re wearing. You’ll be visible to other motorists and others who are driving. If you’re in a crowded area wearing a safety gear vest could be life-saving.
There are more stylish alternatives, such as reflective cycling jackets visible to cars used for road safety. However, they will cost more.

Prices can vary depending on features, such as when the jacket changes color or flashes. An armband with LED is a practical and inexpensive accessory to increase security. LED bands are available in a variety of sizes and colors.
Visibility is crucial.

9. Gloves:

electric scooter accessories

Gloves are perfect for chillier rides keep your hands warm in the morning or autumn and winter. They are also helpful for all seasons since they will protect you in case you fall. It can cause serious injury to your hands when you crash at high speed. In the ideal scenario, arm protections such as wrist guards must be worn. However, they can be uncomfortable on a scooter.

If the wrist guard you are wearing is uncomfortable and causes you to struggle to manage your scooter, they’re not serving its function effectively. Flexible gloves and lightweight are best for riders on e-scooters.
The proper glove’s thickness is contingent on the speed of your scooter. If you are able to keep your speed at under ten mph, then a basic biking glove is adequate protection. If you’re prone to falls, the gloves made for skateboarding with electric motors are stronger.
If you’re riding an electric bike that’s swift, you’ll need to look into heavier motorcycle or mountain biking or motorcycle gloves. The fit is crucial. You need a good fit so that you can move your fingers with ease.

Leather is most likely the best material available It is a great choice for any weather condition – however, it’s pricey. Synthetic materials are cheaper. There is a wide range of high-quality choices. Regarding glove costs all over the world, you could expect to pay as low as $15 or even $100.

10. Seat:

electric scooter accessories

Some electric scooters don’t come with seats that are available in an upgraded version. This provides additional comfort, particularly during long trips you’ll need one. Make sure you examine local laws for any limitations on electric scooters with seats before you purchase and start riding. The most well-known seat can is the Emove Cruiser which has an incredibly wide range. So, it’s great to relax on longer trips.

11. Storage Bag or Trunk

electric scooter accessories

A trunk on your scooter could make the difference between having a great recreational ride or a valuable aid in your daily activities. It’s definitely one of the most beneficial easy to bring accessories you can have on your scooter.
In certain aspects, it is possible that a trunk can be more suitable than an actual basket. It comes with all the advantages of a basket, but you can also lock the trunk for added security. It’s a common choice for
a lot of well-known scooters, including the Xiaomi M365 and the Pro version, as well as all the Ninebot ES scooters too.
Typically, the trunk will be placed on one side or the rear of the stem. It is possible to install an edgier basket at the rear, but it hasn’t been tested in the same way.
Trunks are generally cheap. However, some of the best models may have a greater cost.

12. Bluetooth and Ear Buds:

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Bluetooth or earbuds are very popular now, especially for people who ride electric scooters. They are great because they are easy to use and very convenient. It’s also a lot of fun to listen to music while riding. You can enjoy your ride without having to worry about the noise.

There are many different kinds of headphones out there, so you need to find the right one for you which don’t let it provide distraction when riding. The first thing you need to do is decide what type of sound you want. You can get in-ear headphones, over-ear headphones, or on-ear headphones.

The best recommended Bluetooth earbud is TOZO T6 True Wireless Earbuds Bluetooth Headphones.

13. Armour and Jackets:

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Electric scooters are relatively new, so there is not much information about safety. However, the most important thing to remember when riding an electric scooter is that you should always wear a helmet and safety armor and be careful to avoid getting hit by other vehicles or by pedestrians.
And don’t get frustrated by the typical look of armor and scooter jackets. As there are plenty of cool-looking jackets on amazon. And after wearing them you will feel more confident and secure. This Gute Motorcycle Protective Jacket is the one we recommend.

This Gute Motorcycle Protective Jacket is the one we recommend.

14. Elbow and Knee Pads:

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These are essential for any kind of bike riding, but particularly for scooter riders. These knees and elbow pads are designed to protect the elbows and knees from getting injured in case of a fall. The knee pads are available in different sizes to suit your needs.

So whether you have big knees or small ones, you can choose the right knee pad size for yourself. Lumbar Support: This is another important item to have on your scooter. It helps you to maintain your back health by keeping it in a good condition.
You can easily find the perfect elbow and knee pads on Amazon.

You can easily find the perfect elbow and knee pads on Amazon.

15. Alarms:

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Electric scooters are a great way to get around town, but they also come with many safety risks. In order to keep you safe, electric scooter alarms are available that will make sure you are notified when you are approaching an obstacle such as a tree or curb.
Many latest alarms are available in the market and installation can be done with ease. The best ones are available on Amazon.

16. Electric Scooter Speedometer:

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If you have an electric scooter, it is a good idea to have a speedometer installed on it. The speedometer will help you to stay safe while you are riding. You can also use this device to avoid tickets and fines if you go over the speed limit. If you don’t have an electric scooter, you can get one on Amazon. It’s easy to install and very effective.

17. Bells or Horns:

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Both horns and bells are very useful. Bellowing is a great way to get attention. Bellows are also a great way to warn other people of danger. However, I recommend bells for the following reasons:  They are loud and can be heard from a distance. You can use them to signal others. You can even use them to scare away predators. The best ones are available on Amazon.

18. Turn Signals – Front Light & Taillight:

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There are three different turn signals which are used to indicate when it is safe to change lanes. The first is called a slow-down signal, the second is called a ‘lane change’ signal, and the third is called a’stop’ signal.
While electric scooter turn headlights is not so important items for scooters, safety should be your first concern when riding a scooter.

Make sure you use your turn signals to ensure the safety of others. You’ll find that there are many options for lights that are easy to install and you can choose between installing them on the back of your scooter, or on the sides of your deck. You can control them with a small controller that you’ll mount onto your handlebar. You can find affordable turn lights on Amazon.

19. Electric Scooter Hooks:

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Scooters have become a major way for people to get around, but riding a scooter can be dangerous if you’re not careful. Luckily, there are safety devices that you can add to your scooter that will make it safer and less likely to cause an accident.

The most popular device is the electric scooter hook. Electric scooter hooks are designed to catch the rear wheel of an electric scooter if it starts to fall off. Electric scooter hooks are used in conjunction with a brake system that slows down the speed of the scooter when it stops.
Coherny wall hook is a good one and you can find it more reliable as compared to others.

Coherny wall hook is a good one and you can find it more reliable as compared to others.

20. Electric Scooter Front and Rear Mirrors:

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The mirrors on the scooters are designed to help you see better where you are going and what is around you. You will want to be able to see where you are going. You can do this by using the mirrors on the scooter. You can also use them to help you see what is behind you. The mirrors are attached to the scooter so that they are not easily broken. You can also use them as a backup if you run into something or someone. They can also help you to see how fast you are going.

21. Carry Strap:

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The carry strap on the scooter is designed to allow you to carry your scooter with you. You can use it to move the scooter from place to place or to put the scooter in the trunk of your car. This is especially helpful when you are at the mall or shopping center. It will make it easier for you to carry the scooter with you. If you have to carry the scooter from one place to another, it will make it easier for you to do so. You will be able to carry the scooter and not have to worry about it.
The recommended Carry Strap on Amazon is Epessa carry strap.

22. Cupholders:

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If you want to drink something during riding and hang out with friends on your scooter then a cupholder is a great accessory. But it is completely optional because some people are not comfortable with drinking during riding.
Some people think that they don’t need to use a cupholder. But I recommend that you should use one, especially if you are riding in an area where there are many cars. It will help you to avoid accidents during drinking. Several options are available on Amazon based on your need.

23. Electric Scooter Basket:

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Electric scooter baskets are designed to hold the batteries and other accessories. They can be purchased separately or as part of the scooter.
Some scooter manufacturers provide their own baskets, and some don’t. It’s up to you to make sure you get one that will fit your scooter. A basket is useful and can be used for storage purposes.

24. Electric Scooter Seats:

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Seats for electric scooters are very important. The seat should be comfortable, and firm, and have a place to rest your backside. The seat should be wide enough for you to comfortably hold onto the handlebars with one hand.
The best seats for electric scooters are the ones that are made from foam or plastic. They are soft and firm, so they are perfect for scooting around town. If you don’t want to use a seat, then you can always go with the bare-bottom option. It is recommended that you choose a seat that is about two inches wider than your hips.

25. Carry Handle:

The carry handle is essential for any scooter. A carry handle gives you more control over your scooter. The handle is used to steady the scooter as you travel along. This is a very important feature because it will help you prevent the scooter from tipping over. A carry handle should be about an inch wide and have a comfortable grip. You can also choose to go with a carry handle that comes in different colors, shapes, and designs. 

26. Fluorescent Turn Signals Vest:

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A fluorescent vest is another way to alert motorists of your presence on the road. The vest has a fluorescent patch on the back and front. The fluorescent patch helps alert motorists that there is a scooter in their lane. This is a great safety feature because it helps you avoid accidents. 

27. Electric Scooter Stickers:

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Want to make your scooter more fun and funky looking? DIY it with stickers of your own taste.

I usually prefer a sporty look and enjoy sticking blue theme stickers. I suggest using glittery stickers which shine from the distance or you can design it according to your scooter model.

28. Electric Scooter Strip LED Lights:

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Scooter riders love these lights because they help them get around at night safely. The strip lights are attached to the bottom of your scooter and illuminate the ground ahead of you. The strip lights make it easier for motorists to see you in the dark.

They look modern and funky at the same time.




ILM Open Face Helmet

Slime 10004 Dirt Bike Tube

LOEO Motorcycle Goggles

Roam Bike Phone Mount

DINOKA Bike U Lock

42V 2A Power Adpter PowerFast

ROCKBROS Mountain Bike Gloves

SEWAY Scooter Storage Bag 

Raycon Fitness Bluetooth True Wireless Earbuds


How do you carry an electric scooter?

Many options are available but the recommended one is to purchase a good quality backpack. Or you can carry it in small bags or handlebars or in strap bags.

Can you ride an electric scooter when the battery dies?

Yes, you can still ride it. As the battery is fully disengaged and you can use it as a manual scooter which is also known as a push kick scooter. Or in case you want to go faster carry an additional battery with you which is light in weight and can be carried easily.

What is the lifespan of an electric scooter?

An electric scooter can last for three years or more but with the passage of time its efficiency drops. But with proper handling and care, the life span will be increased.

What makes an electric scooter go faster?

Battery life and voltage can help to make it go faster. Or the wheel quality and less friction can reduce hurdles. Its top speed is depending on voltage and will be increased when the current increases.

The Wrapping Up– Electric Mobility Scooter Accessories

These essential accessories for electric scooters are sure to make your rides safer, more comfortable, and enjoyable. Certain accessories make your life simpler, while others give you protection that can protect you from serious injuries.
It’s not necessary to purchase all of it at once; however, should you find an affordable price on one of these items, We suggest you think about it.
Last but not least, remember that regardless of the number of awesome gadgets you have, they can’t make a poor electric scooter excellent. If you’re tired of what you’re doing currently, We suggest you go through our guide to the best electric scooters, and you’ll be able to find an optimal fit for your needs and budget. 

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